With over 20 years experience at the forefront of the cage culture industry in Norway and world-wide, our marine cages are reputed for their operational stability, optimum flexibility, durability, ease of use and customer satisfaction.
The FUTUR range of cages are the result of a continuous update in design and production technology, combining precious feedback from clients with results from ongoing R & D.
These cages are the solution for increasingly harsh off-shore climates, larger cages sizes with deep nets, and rough handling that farm facilities are subjected to today.
The performance of a cage unit is a function of the optimal balance between all system components, which are fine-tuned in respect of individual site characteristics and overall facility content.
An optimum distribution of anchorage forces within the cage system enebles it to overcome the environmental strains of exposed sites.
Mooring analyses are performed to define correct specification of all components. Individually anchored cages can assure safe operation in all climates.
The FUTURE cages are constructed from HDPE material throughout, which cannot rust, rot or corrode in the sea water environment.
FUTUR stanchions in 25-35 mm thick HDPE are stronger than steel counterparts and provide additional protection against abrasion from boats and heavy farm machinery.
Cages with well-designed mooring systems permit farming farther from the shore, with better conditions for the reared fish.
With over 20 years experience at the forefront of the cage culture industry in Norway and world-wide, our marine cages are reputed for their operational stability, optimum flexibility, durability, ease of use and customer satisfaction.
The FUTUR range of cages are the result of a continuous update in design and production technology, combining precious feedback from clients with results from ongoing R & D.
These cages are the solution for increasingly harsh off-shore climates, larger cages sizes with deep nets, and rough handling that farm facilities are subjected to today.
The performance of a cage unit is a function of the optimal balance between all system components, which are fine-tuned in respect of individual site characteristics and overall facility content.
An optimum distribution of anchorage forces within the cage system enebles it to overcome the environmental strains of exposed sites.
Mooring analyses are performed to define correct specification of all components. Individually anchored cages can assure safe operation in all climates.
The FUTURE cages are constructed from HDPE material throughout, which cannot rust, rot or corrode in the sea water environment.
FUTUR stanchions in 25-35 mm thick HDPE are stronger than steel counterparts and provide additional protection against abrasion from boats and heavy farm machinery.
Standard dimensions range from 40 m to 120 m in circumference (and upwards in the case of tuna pens) mounting nets up to 30 m deep.
The larger units are designed for deep net-pens and very exposed locations to achieve high and efficient production.
Cages with well-designed mooring systems permit farming farther from the shore, with better conditions for the reared fish.
With over 20 years experience at the forefront of the cage culture industry in Norway and world-wide, our marine cages are reputed for their operational stability, optimum flexibility, durability, ease of use and customer satisfaction.
The FUTUR range of cages are the result of a continuous update in design and production technology, combining precious feedback from clients with results from ongoing R & D.
These cages are the solution for increasingly harsh off-shore climates, larger cages sizes with deep nets, and rough handling that farm facilities are subjected to today.
Our cage facilities have weathered exceptional storms without damages to the structures nor to the fish stock.
The flotation collars are equipped with our foam-injected double-wall triangular brackets, and the HDPE pipes have extra thick walls for additional safety and shape-holding ability.
Particular attention is devoted to the mooring system configuration and specification to ensure an even spread of environmental loads between the nets - cages - moorings whhich interact in synergy.
The performance of a cage unit is a function of the optimal balance between all system components, which are fine-tuned in respect of individual site characteristics and overall facility content.
An optimum distribution of anchorage forces within the cage system enebles it to overcome the environmental strains of exposed sites.
Mooring analyses are performed to define correct specification of all components. Individually anchored cages can assure safe operation in all climates.
Standard dimensions range from 40 m to 120 m in circumference (and upwards in the case of tuna pens) mounting nets up to 30 m deep.
The larger units are designed for deep net-pens and very exposed locations to achieve high and efficient production.